20 Inverness Place East
Englewood, CO  80112-5622
Greg Smith
Church Care Team
720-283-2000 ext 2196

World Venture

To see people of all nations transformed by Jesus Christ.
To see the church around the world expanded.
To see the hurting cared for and offered life-transforming hope.
A bold vision to help fulfill the Great Commission!

Our Beliefs

Following Jesus
Believing the Bible
Sharing the Gospel
Making Disciples

Engaging the world

Empowerment – WorldVenture urges His followers to live dependent upon the Holy Spirit, asking God for His will to be done.
Incarnational Living – We believe the eternal mission of God is to make Himself known among all the peoples of the earth.  Central to God’s redemptive plan, He sent Jesus to live among us.  WorldVenture strives to live among the people we are sent to reach.
Biblical Authority – We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and the authority through which we understand God and His redemptive purpose.  Our participation in God’s mission is anchored in what God has begun and revealed in the Scripture.  Therefore, WorldVenture serves as ambassadors of the Living God, proclaiming the truth as revealed in the Bible.
The Church – We believe the Church is the joyful assembly of God’s people called to participate in God’s eternal purpose to reach all people for Christ.  WorldVenture serves the Church by starting and strengthening local churches to participate in God’s redemptive plan.
Disciple-Making – We believe the Biblical mandate is for all believers to live in obedience to His Great Commission.  WorldVenture’s priority is disciple-making.      5/2021