Leo & Lourdes Calva, World Venture
Email: leocalva@alegropcs.net
Leonardo(Leo) and Lourdes Calva serve as Church Planters in Southern Ecuador in a region called Loja where there is great need for the word of God. Loja has less than one percent of believers and is called “the lost territory” due to this. During the last fifteen years, the Calvas have planted a central church called Mustard Seed (Semilla de Mostaza), which now has 350 people attending weekly. It is a multi-ethnic church with 10 different nationalities. From this church, they have established other churches in the rural areas. The Calvas are also working in fifteen other places. The work in the provinces is difficult. However, gradually the presence of Mustard Seed work continues to impact those areas that have been closed to the gospel.
The Calvas envision establishing a Church Planting gospel-centered movement that also emphasizes serving the more vulnerable people of Ecuador. They are seeing Ecuadorians become a missionary force throughout the world.